Why choose CFI?
With more than 40 years of experience, we have reached a high level of expertise thanks to a unique know-how in the design of cold equipment and a development of Made In France products, always more reliable and efficient.
A guarantee of reliability:
- We choose our materials with rigor in order to offer high quality products: high density panels, control of losses...
- We produce our panels in polyurethane foam injected with a high pressure machine with a density of 43kg/m3. The control of the production of our panels guarantees the best quality of insulation for an optimum reduction of the thermal losses in our devices.
- Concerned about our environment, 97% of our suppliers are European, 86% of which are French. Thanks to this proximity, we considerably reduce our carbon footprint.
- Our equipment is all produced and assembled in our factory in Lavaveix-les-Mines; we thus control the entire manufacturing process, allowing us to offer you customized designs.
- Our highly qualified technicians mill the injected panels themselves, allowing for complete adaptability to our customers' requirements.
- Thanks to our network of distributors and our spare parts warehouse, we offer a very reactive service to each request.
All these actions allow us to produce reliable equipment that lasts over time.
We master our own techniques and technologies for :
- Retarder proofer
- Conservation
- Positive and negative cold
- Freezing
In addition, we have mastered the various techniques of heat recovery by direct expansion or different types of heat transfer fluids (HFC, HFO, glycol water, CO2, propane, etc.).